Lewis Creek Baptist Church
Sunday School at 9 AM
Sunday Worship at 10 AM
Gather your family and join us!
1400 E 600 S
Waldron, IN 46182
​(765) 525-6833
International Ministries
International Ministries
Corenne and Philip Smith - Brazil

From the International Ministries Website:
" In Brazil, poor youth often choose life on the streets to escape the poverty of the slums and, more often, to escape abusive families. On the streets, they are exposed to HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, child prostitution, substance abuse, and violence. With the blessing of the National Baptist Convention of Brazil, Corenne and Philip minister to children who are part of a residential program that rescues homeless street children and youth ranging in age from 8 to 18. The program provides guidance, education, and training for future employment. All students have completed a paid internship and are employed before they leave the program. Corenne works mainly with the older children, working with them on life skills so that they can eventually transition away from a boarding school to independent living. Corenne also serves as a surrogate mother to many of the children, sharing with them the love of Jesus. After experiencing day-to-day living in a safe, caring Christian environment, most of these children make decisions to follow Christ. Philip Smith is the president and CEO of the residential program, Hope Unlimited for Children, which was founded in 1991. Philip is an associate missionary serving in Brazil in a joint appointment by International Ministries and Hope Unlimited International."
https://www.internationalministries.org/author/cp-smith/ for more info.
Alan and Tara Mayhak - Australia

Alan and Tara Mayhak serve in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia. They are involved with church planting and discipleship. Alan also leads Bible Studies and Tara teaches Scripture classes at the public school and they work with the youth at their church.
Alan D. and Tara Mayhak • ABWE for more info.

Each year we support Operation Christmas Child. Some pack their boxes individually, some donate for the purchase of items, and shipping, and some come with the Children's Ministry for a whole church "Packing Party."
World Mission Offering

The World Mission is the American Baptist response to the needs of international missions as mandated by the Great Commission in partnership with other National Baptist churches in other countries. Details Here
National Ministries
National Ministries

The America for Christ Offering is the American Baptist response to the needs of home missions within and beyond the local congregation in witness and service for Christ as mandated by the Great Commission. Gifts are channeled through National Ministries and Regional Ministries to fund home mission, education and local community ministries. Details Here

The One Great Hour of Sharing offering is the American Baptist response to worldwide disaster relief and development. One Great Hour of Sharing in cooperation with other denominations, is a channel for national and international aid in times of crisis. Details Here
State & Local Missions
State & Local Missions

We support the Clarity Care Center. Clarity provides services and support for families facing difficult family planning and human sexuality issues. Go to their site for details about the services they provide, and opportunities to serve or give. ClarityCares.org

Indiana is in a foster care crisis with the second-highest rate of child maltreatment in the nation and the highest number of children in the foster system compared to neighboring states. An estimated 153 million children worldwide are orphans. The numbers are overwhelming, but we believe that we can change the future one child at a time. God's heart beats for these children as we see His call for us to care for orphans and widows over 60 times in the Bible. Everyone can do something to bring hope and love into their lives.

The Spartan Cupboard will be open the first and third Wednesdays of the month. The pantry will follow SW's inclement weather schedule. If school is canceled due to inclement weather, the pantry will be closed.

The Cuts & Crayons event each Summer's end is hosted here at Lewis Creek for kids that need back-to-school haircuts and school supplies.

Salvation Army Soup Kitchen is open
- Monday though Friday:
- Coffee & Donuts - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Lunch - 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Saturdays sack lunches - 12-12:30 p.m.
- Sundays - 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

The Deacon's Home Mission Fund is a ministry of our deacon board funded through periodic offerings from the congregation to offer assistance to those in need.